AirDog / All Diesel Engines Need a ‘State of the Art’ Fuel Filtration Delivery System!
In 1990, Charles Ekstam, began research that led to the development of the Fuel Preporator ®, the world’s first and only fuel air separation system for diesel engines with positive air separation. Three years later, the first commercial Fuel Preporator® unit was sold. During the following 25+ years, PureFlow ® Technologies, Jefferson City, MO, and PureFlow® AirDog®, Shelbyville Indiana, have developed Fuel Preporator ® and AirDog ® models for virtually every diesel engine application including commercial trucking, pick-up trucks, military, marine, agriculture and mining. This high output pump and filtration system designed specifically for diesel engines is the most effective technology to remove water, particulates, and most importantly entrained air & vapor from diesel fuel to increase fuel economy, power and performance. In 2002, AirDog ®, became the new Registered Trademark for the pick-up truck model Fuel Preporator®. Due to the popularity of the AirDog ® Trademark, all Fuel Preporator ® fuel air separation systems are now trademarked AirDog ®. PureFlow ® Technologies, Inc manufactured and marketed all AirDog ® and Fuel Preporator ® fuel air separation systems until 2009!
October, 2009, W.A.P. of Shelbyville, Indiana, entered into a Patent License Agreement with CD Patents, LLC. and a Manufacturing/Sales Agreement with PureFlow ® Technologies, Inc. to Advertise, Manufacture, and Market the “AirDog ®” Fuel Preporator ® fuel air separation systems for the Pick-up Truck Market for the United States and Canada. Raptor ® fuel pumps, as well as the use of the Registered Trademarks AirDog ®, Fuel Preporator ®, Raptor ®, and PureFlow ®, are also included in the agreements.
The company, “PureFlow AirDog ®” was created by W.A.P. to handle the marketing, manufacturing, and sales of the AirDog ® and Raptor ® product line for pick-up trucks. PureFlow ® Technologies continues to develop, manufacture and market AirDog ® Fuel Preporator ® products for all other diesel engine applications.
AirDog ® fuel air separation systems, with the efforts of PureFlow AirDog ®, have become the most sought after, after-market fuel system for diesel pick-ups, on the market today. Under the management and direction of DieselRx ® and Shares, Inc., PureFlow AirDog’s production and order fulfillment program is housed in DieselRx ®‘s ISO Certified, 70,000 square foot facility in Shelbyville, Indiana. Together, these innovative product lines have expanded the capabilities of the company and will offer our customers a wide range of quality diesel products.